Monday, August 29, 2011

New Month's Resolution

Sometimes New Year's Resolutions end up being a big flop. You either start out strong and burn out in a few weeks or you figure you have all year and never quite get started. If you are among the few that can set New Year's Resolutions and stick to them, Kudos to you. For the rest of us here is a simpler and hopefully more effective solution. 

New Month's Resolutions give you a month to accomplish your goal. At the end of the month you have a chance to make a new one or if you have failed miserably you can have a do over and try again at the same goal.  One or two resolutions should do it. You don't want to get overwhelmed and not do anything. I encourage you to have your children set New Month's Resolutions too. It doesn't matter their age, even a 2 year old can have a goal. It might be something simple like staying dry all day or not hitting the cat but goal setting is a good habit and the younger you teach your children to have goals and follow through the better.

Here are some examples of goals for children: (help children pick goals appropriate to their age)

  1. Make bed daily
  2. Complete homework in a timely fashion
  3. Learn multiplication tables
  4. Feed the dog
  5. Keep bedroom clean
  6. Read a chapter book
  7. Use good manners daily
  8. Better time running a mile
  9. Learn 5 constellations
  10. Lean to make cookies
  11. Double number of pushups they can do
  12. Memorize a poem
  13. Learn the State and Capitals
  14. Tell the truth every time
  15. Learn to ride a bike
  16. Keep hair brushed 
  17. Get out of bed on time
  18. Learn to tie 4 knots
  19. Write in a journal daily
  20. Do chores without whining
  21. Help with the baby
  22. Learn 1-10 in Spanish (or another language)
  23. Learn to change a tire
  24. Do 10 hours of community service
  25. Make a new friend
The possibilities are endless. Teach your children good habits by setting a New Month's Resolution yourself, share that resolution with your children, then follow through. At the end of the month sit down and talk about how you all did and what could you have done differently. If you failed, don't make excuses. Take responsibility for your failures and try harder next month. It's a hard thing to do but if your children see you failing than making excuses as to why you failed you can't possibly get them to complete a goal. You will just get excuses.

My New Month's Resolution for Sept. is to lose 5 lbs. I will report at the end of Sept. Feel free to share yours and your children's New Month's Resolutions. It would be nice to do a post with what other people have chosen.

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