Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What? The Summer is Over?

I was hit with a bit of a wake up call this morning when Caleb reminded his dad that Junior High orientation day is tomorrow. Where did the summer go? It flew by so fast!

We started the summer by making a list of 20 things we wanted to do this summer. Unfortunately we didn't finish them all. Here is what we did do.

  • Went camping
  • Jumped on the trampoline
  • Stayed up all night watching movies
  • Roasted Star-bursts over the campfire
  • Fed the ducks
  • Went swimming
  • Had a backwards day*
  • Played on the playground
  • Made ghetto s'more*
  • Shot off film canister rockets*
  • Visited the Library
  • Played with Oobleck*

Not a bad list although there are still a few things that we didn't get to that I want to try to fit in before the snow flies. We wanted to eat at the Pizza Hut Buffet for one. I also need to finish the stop action project we started. I didn't put it on the list above because we took the pictures, I just haven't animated them yet. There just never seems to be enough time to fit everything in. I wish homeschooling was an option for me to do with my kids. I feel like it would give me more hands on time with them.

I'm picking up Kaleb and Dante this Friday from their dad's in Mass. School doesn't start for them for another 10 days after I pick them up. I miss them so much. A month is definitely to long to be without them.

The items marked the an * I will do posts on in the next week. I don't know if it will be several posts or one really long one. Let's see what I feel like doing when it gets to that point.

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