Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sad Weekend that ended with a RIP

It's been kinda a long weekend for us. Friday morning Juniper (our baby kitten) started acting funny. At first she started walking funny. Then the diarrhea set in. By noon she wasn't able to walk or eat or move. My mom thought it might be feline leukemia so I looked it up and that's what it sounded like to me. I force fed her KMR every hour and by Saturday morning she seemed to be bouncing back. She could walk and tried to eat by her self a few times.

I continued to feed her KMR every few hours straight through Monday night. At some point Monday afternoon she took a turn for the worse again and I wrapped her in a shirt and carried her around like a baby. Boy was she ever a fighter. She hung on until almost 6 AM Tuesday morning where she laid down and quietly passed in her sleep. The kids took it surprisingly well. I did do. We all expected it I guess. It was still sad and we will miss her very much. She was a great kitten.

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