Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Let's get prepared.

 "If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." D&C 38:30

It's really important that you and your children have a plan when and if an emergency should arrive. Not having a plan puts your family and pets at risk. It's not easy in the heat of an emergency to keep your wits about you and make sure the kids and together and safe and the pets are out of harm's way. So what qualifies as an emergency?

  • Fire
  • Burgular
  • Earthquake
  • Hurricane
  • Tornado
  • Car Accident
  • Sevear Thunder Shower
  • Monsoon
  • Gas Leak
  • Carbon Monoxide Leak
  • Bad Injury such as Broken Bone, Head Wound
  • Poisioning
The list goes on, you get the idea. Here is a scenario hopefully no one ever has to live through. You wake up in the middle of the night to the smoke alarms. You and your spouse jump out of bed, panic struck, and grab kids and run out the door. It takes a minute to two to meet up because you didn't have a set meeting place. The fire department gets called and you've been outside for almost 5 minutes before you count heads and realize little Joey is missing. You thought your spouse grabbed him and your spouse thought you grabbed him...... Don't let this ever happen to you.

Here is the same scenario replayed with a plan. You and your spouse wake up in the middle of the night to the smoke alarms. You both jump out of bed. Your spouse grabs Alex and Jenny and heads out to the big tree in the corner of the yard. You grab little Joey and poke your head in Tim's room on the way out the door to make sure Damien grabbed him on the way out the door. You all meet at the big tree and promptly do a head check. You are all there and your spouse already called 911 with the cell grabbed off the night stand.

If you already have a emergency plan for various emergencies than I'm really proud of you. I would recommend reviewing the plans often. Even as often as once a month would keep the plan fresh.

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