Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Memory of those who died in 9-11-2001

Today is the 10 year anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who lost loved ones in this terrible tragedy. We will never forget the events of this day.


I read an blog post about someone's experience the day of 9-11 and it brought tears to my eyes even though they didn't personally lose anyone that day. Here is a link to their post if you want to read it.

I remember that day that I was at home with my ex-husband where we were living in a small trailer. His mom lived across the street and came and told us what was happening. The both of us and Kaleb (16 months old) went across the street and watch the news for hours. We saw the 2nd tower fall. I remember very clearly holding my little son in my arms and thinking this was the end of the world and that I would never get to see him grow to be a man. It was a very sad, scary day for everyone. I was fortunate enough that I didn't know anyone who lost their life in the terriest attack but my heart goes out to those who did.

Here is the link to the CNN memorial:

Lest We Never Forget.

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