Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Misadventure Day #1

Today we baked chocolate chip cookies. I found this really good sounding recipe on the Crisco website. We substituted the chocolate chips for white chocolate chips and didn't use the pecans. I also didn't have butter flavored Crisco so we just used Wal-mart brand shorting. They came out amazing. It was hard to stop eating them. I'm honestly surprised we have any left.

 Dante measuring out the shorting

 The yummy batter. I almost forgot to take a picture.

Ready to bake.

Kaleb stealing cookie #5.

We also each drew a comic about Stik Man.

 Dante's Comic

 Kaleb's Comic

My Comic

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Our Very Own Exchange Table

I've been wanting to do this for a long time so I am really excited to announce that we are starting our own version of an Exchange Table. The concept is this: You bring things you no longer want or things your kids have out grown and then you "shop" for things you do want or that do fit.

I've toyed with this idea for a long time. It's something that I think is great and that there is a need for but have been worried about several things, one of which being that people who own thrift shops will come clean me out and then go sell the stuff for profit. After many months of brainstorming here is what i came up with.

I'm making some RMS Dollars on my computer. When you bring in donations you will be rewarded with RMS bills. You can then use the RMS bills to purchase items from the table. I'm also going to have other ways to earn RMS dollars in the future. We already have a decent selection of items stored up. Below is a list of items that we except as donations. (Please make sure all donations are clean, free of stains and rips, zippers and buttons are there and working.)

  • Boys clothing ~ newborn through size 16
  • Girls clothing ~ newborn through size 16
  • Shoes all sizes including men's and women's
  • Men's and Women's clothing any size
  • Toys in good working condition including roller blades, bikes, etc
  • Large items such as cribs, strollers, high chairs and walkers.
  • Bedding for cribs, twin, full, queen or king
If you have anything else you want to donate that isn't on the list just let me know. I'm sure in most cases we will take it.

I hope that this will take off and that we will receive plenty of donations and that lots of people will want to come shop at our little Exchange Table. To start I think we will only be open by appointment. Starting at the beginning of the year we may have a location and be open once or twice a week for a few hours. It will depend greatly on the amount of interest this project receives.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Upholding the Governale Tradition

Exercising isn't always fun. It's hard to find time in our busy schedule to work out. In our family growing up we had a fun work out the we loved. When we watched movies we would pick a word. (such as a character's name or something of the sort. For instance if we were watching Star Wars the word might use Jedi.) Then every time that word is said in the movie we pause and do a set number of an exercise. You can always use two different words and two different exercises.

Recently I have started doing this with my kids and they love it. On Friday we watched an Episode of Angry Beavers and used the word WOOD. We decided to do 5 situps every time we heard it. We ended up doing 15 situps. Right after we watched an Episode of Spider Man and used the word WEB. We ended up doing another 15 situps.

The next day we ended up doing even more situps then that. Today my abs hurt so we are switching it up a bit and are going to do 10 jumping jacks every time.

Here are some good exercise choices to choose from:

  1. Situps
  2. Pushups
  3. Jumping Jacks
  4. Bicycle
  5. Mountain Climbers
  6. Burpees
  7. Squats
I suggest if you are new to exercise or if you are doing this with young children that you choose a small amount such as 2 every time or 5 every time. We do 5.

You can always choose to do 5 pushups for one word and 5 situps for another word. Have fun and be consistent. You will notice after a few weeks that the exercises are coming easier. Make this your family tradition too. You won't regret it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What do Puzzles, Rolled Paper and Drier Lint have in Common?

Today we are talking a little about being prepared. So, what do puzzle pieces, rolled paper and drier lint have in common? If you haven't guessed yet, the answer is they are all flammable. Anyone that has tried to start a camp fire knows that it isn't always a breeze. I personally learned this lesson a few months ago.

For those new to following this blog I'm sure this story will get you caught up. If not, got back to the first few posts and take a quick skim. So, a few months ago my husband had to leave to run errands and I planned on being a good wife (and a good trooper) so I told him that while he was gone I would get the camp fire started so we could cook supper as soon as he got back. As soon as he left I gathered some branches, twigs and a log or two. I assembled them in the fire pit like I had seen him do and lit a piece of paper on fire, tucking in at the bottom of my pile. I watched in dismay as the paper turned to gray ash and the fire was out. I tried again and again running back and forth from my car to the camper to the fire pit burning cereal boxes, old bills (that felt good) and anything else I could find. I had what I thought was going to be a great fire several times but it kept going out. After several hours and dozens of attempts I called my husband. Trying to hold back tears I explained that I was done. That was it. Building fires was stupid and I wasn't ever doing it again and that if he wanted supper he better come home and start the stupid fire himself. (Patience is a virtue I haven't mastered yet and yes, I was being a bit defensive. After all, who can't start a fire. Apparently me!)

Needless to say, he came home, knocked a few dead branches off a tree, lit a piece of paper and viola, a raging fire. He took the time to explain to me that the wood I had gathered was too green and that dead stuff burns better. Who knew? After all, forest fires don't just burn the dead stuff and leave all the green. I guess that's what I get for being a yuppie. I have had more luck starting fires since then. So, if you have the need to start a camp fire. (For instance, there is a power outage and you want to cook your meal outside.) Little fire starters are a great thing to have on hand.

There are hundreds of ways to make fire starters. They are a great thing to keep in your 72 hour kits or in a little bag in the food storage area. I don't happen to have a picture of this one but I know you can dip pine cones in paraffin wax. The ones below are ones that my dad has been experimenting with. He was nice enough to not only let me take pictures of them for this post but he also game me an assorted bag of them to take home.

Here is what he did. He shopped yard sales and thrift shops for: used candles, rolled paper (like the kind you use for crafts), puzzles that were perhaps missing a few pieces and mini cupcake wrappers. Using a mug warmer, the electric kind that you set your soup or coffee on to keep it warm, he melted a dish of old candle pieces. The rest of the directions for each are under each picture.

 For this one he put a few puzzle pieces in a mini cupcake paper and poured some melted wax over them.This one is the prettiest. I hate to have to burn it.

 This one might not be pretty looking but it's a good way to recycle egg cartons and get rid of that unsightly drier lint we all have. Put a small ball of drier lint in each of the holes where the eggs would rest. Pour melted wax over each filling them nearly to the top. When dry, cut the cups apart.

These ones are strips of rolled paper. Some he tied knots in first, others he didn't. You can gently place the strips in the container of melted wax for 30 second to a minute then scoop out with a fork and let dry on a plate or piece of wax paper.

You can store any of these fire starters in a zip-lock bag until needed. (Just remember, even with these nifty fire starters it help to have dry dead wood. Green stuff does burn, it just takes forever to get it lit.....)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Our New Online Gift Shop

We are pleased to announce the opening of our online gift shop. We opened this online store to help us raise money. To see how the donations will be used visit the About Us section of our blog. With Halloween and Christmas right around the corner you should check out those categories for decorations and gifts. We will be continually updating RMS Gift Shop and adding new products for your enjoyment. We have chosen a selection of beautiful gifts that will turn heads and add to the aura of your home. The best part is that 25% of all sales will be donated to Raise Me Strong. Check our blog often to see how the donations from the gift shop are adding up.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Let's Play Video Charades

Here is our first ever episode of video charades. Try to guess these for charades and post your guesses on our Facebook page. Who will get the all right first? www.facebook.com/raisemestrong

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Digital Scrapbooking Freebe

We have a special treat this week brought to you by Kalantza's Digital Images. These are cute little buttons that will jazz up your digital scrap booking pages. They come in a set of 54. In addition to the alphabet you'll also get the numbers 0-9 + 18 other designs. All images come on a transparent background.This set sells on their site for $5.75 but they are letting Raise Me Strong give it away absolutely FREE.